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With our close proximity to the Gulf Coast, Escambia and Santa Rosa County is known for its devastating storms.  A home may weather one storm and be fine, but a tree may fall into the home weakening the roof and structure.  The time to remove a troubled tree, is not hours before the storm strikes, but now. Trying to remove a dangerous tree as a storm is approaching is not practical. Take time to review your property and identify any trees that could potential strike the home. Fallen trees into homes can breach roofs causing extensive structural damage, and worse, flooding. Investing in removing dangerous trees can prevent tens of thousands of dollars of damage and months of headaches.


After the storm: While it may be tempting to try and remove trees oneself in an emergency situation, this may be a recipe for simply exacerbating the situation. The problem is not necessarily in the lifting or hauling – the problem is that fallen trees and broken limbs exert a lot of pressure on the ground in uneven ways. A loaded branch that is mistakenly cut can be lethal. Taking apart a fallen tree, especially a large one, could result in injury to life or property if it is not done using the proper methodology. Our experienced team has many years of experience working emergency tree removal.  They can remove trees without causing further damage to a home or landscape.


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